Did you know that cats are more sensitive to pain than humans? Cats have fewer nerve endings in their skin than humans, so they feel less uncomfortable sensations. But, they have more nerve endings in the tongue and feet, which makes cats sensing pain even more intense.
So, how to tell if your cat is in pain, and what is the sign that you need to know?
- Weight lose
- Not eating or drinking or reduced appetite
- Limping
- Inability to groom
- Inability to move
- Hiding
- Lethargy
- More aggressive
- Red-rimmed eyes
- Difficulty walking or sitting
- Sleeping more than usual
- Sleeping positions change
- Breathing heavily
- Urinate outside of the litter box
Many cat owners don’t know how to tell if their cat is in pain. But you can tell many signs and symptoms by looking at your cat, which the following article will go through one by one.
Table of Contents
The sign and symptom of cats is in pain
In order to pinpoint the cause of your cat’s pain or discomfort, it is key to know all the signs and symptoms that may indicate a specific condition.

1. Weight lose
There are many reasons why your cat may be losing weight. The most common causes for weight loss in cats are chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or kidney disease, or intestinal problems like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
It is important to rule these out before assuming your cat is just trying to lose weight to be cute. In order to rule out other possible causes of weight loss, your cat’s diet and history need to be taken into account.
2. Not eating or drinking or reduced appetite
If your cat is not eating, drinking, or has a reduced appetite, it could be because it is in pain. Cats are naturally wary of anything new, so if you have recently started to feed them something different or changed their litter box, this could make them feel sick and unseated. Sometimes cats will stop eating for no reason while other times they stop eating because they feel pain.
3. Limping
Limping may indicate that the animal has injured a paw, but it’s also possible for cats to have a disease called arthritis. Common types of arthritis include osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis. Cats can also contract a condition known as hip dysplasia which causes an abnormal gait and affected joints.
Limping is the most common symptom and can also indicate the presence of diseases like diabetes mellitus and kidney problems. If your cat is limping, it’s important to evaluate the cause. Don’t assume that it’s arthritis or another disease.
4. Inability to groom
There are many reasons your cat may be refusing to groom, but the most common reason is that they’re in pain. Cats are meticulous creatures and care deeply about their hygiene, so if they can’t groom themselves, it could signify a physical problem.
5. Inability to move
Cats are known for their agility, but your cat may be in pain if she is unable to move around. Cat’s with mobility problems will have trouble getting up, walking, or even turning over.
It is important to note that this inability to move does not always mean that your cat is sick.
6. Hiding
Chances are you have a cat in your home, and you’ve noticed them hiding more than usual. Cats that hide or spend a lot of time out of sight could be experiencing pain.
Hiding is one of the ways cats communicate their discomfort. If your cat spends time hiding from both humans and other animals, it might be a sign they have an injury or illness.
Read more: Why is My Cat Hiding Under the Bed & How to Stop It

7. Lethargy
Another thing that we can learn How to tell if your cat is in pain how to tell cat in pain is by checking if your cat is lethargic? If so, your cat may be in pain. Lethargy is a common indicator for cats, as it means they are feeling discomfort and not feeling well. Many indications may lead to lethargy, such as illness, side effects from medications, or even dental problems.
8. More aggressive
Expert suggests that aggressive behavior in cats can often be a sign that your cat is in pain. This is because of the way they express their discomfort and the extent to which this type of behavior changes as we normally see it. The more aggressive your cat becomes, the more likely it is they are suffering from some kind of pain.
9. Red-rimmed eyes
There are many cases where cat owners notice that one or both of their cats’ eyes are red-rimmed, red, cloudy, or watery. This is often a sign that the cat is in pain. If left untreated, this can lead to blindness.
What causes these changes in the eye? The main cause is something called uveitis. Uveitis happens when the membrane inside the eye becomes inflamed and irritated.
10. Difficulty walking or sitting
Many diseases can cause cats to have trouble walking or sitting. Cats may lose the ability to walk due to a spinal injury or neurological disorder, while others might develop back pain from arthritis.
11. Sleeping more than usual
Sleeping for a long time can be a sign of pain, but what about cats? Cats experience discomfort and chronic pain just as humans do, but don’t always show it.
When you notice your cat sleeping more than usual, there may be something wrong. The most common reason for excessive sleepiness is that your cat may have an injury or illness that has caused pain.
Interesting Read: Are Cats Nocturnal Animal? Why Do Cats Sleep All Day?
12. Breathing heavily
Cats can experience a range of different health problems, especially as they age. One manifestation of these health concerns is that cats may have difficulty breathing. If your cat is breathing heavily and often seems to be in pain, it may be a sign that he or she has a serious medical condition.
13. Urinate outside of the litter box
Urinating outside the litter box can be an early warning sign of pain for cats because it can represent an inability to urinate in the litter box due to pain.
Cats who are experiencing chronic pain may experience increased thirst and urine production, decreased appetite, weight loss, irritability, lethargy, and general discomfort.
What should I do if my cat is in pain?
So, now we know How to tell if your cat is in pain and we also need to know what to do after that.
There are a number of things you can do if your cat is in pain. You should treat your pet as if he or she has a medical condition. If your cat’s pain is being caused by a medical condition, get it treated.

Don’t ignore the pain in cats.
If your cat is experiencing pain, and you can’t figure out what the cause is, there are a number of things you can try.
- First, try to find out what is causing the pain.
- If you don’t know how to check for the cause, call your local vet and ask for advice.
- Next, try to make your cat comfortable by giving them a warm place to sleep and providing them with food and water.
- Make sure they have fresh litter in their kitty litter box, too!
What painkillers can cats have?
As the owner of a cat or kitten, you may find yourself searching for how to treat their pain. There are many pain relievers available, but it’s important to be aware of what can and can’t be given to cats. For example, ibuprofen is safe for cats as long as it is administered directly into the mouth. Naproxen is also safe for cats to take if it has been crushed into a powder and mixed with water or soft food.
Some people believe it is appropriate to give their cat painkillers if they have an injury or are in some other type of pain. However, there are several prescription medications that are not safe for cats. If you are considering giving your cat any type of medication, be sure to consult with a veterinarian before doing so.
Giving drugs to pets is never 100% safe, but giving them to cats can be especially difficult because most human painkillers are toxic to felines.
Can i give my cat tylenol?
Tylenol is one of the most popular analgesics for humans. It is often used in small doses to help alleviate pain from headaches, muscle pains, and arthritis.
We cannot give most human medications to our pets, but there are some exceptions. For instance, most analgesics and pain relievers for humans can be used on your pet if they have a fever, inflammation, or muscle aches.
For this, you need to consult your vet or a veterinary pharmacist.
Natural pain relief for cats
Cats, like dogs, are susceptible to chronic pain and a variety of injuries. Additionally, they can suffer from a number of diseases that cause inflammation. To manage their aches and pains, many cats now rely on natural remedies such as catnip and valerian root to soothe their nerves.
The National Institutes of Health has found that catnip may be as effective as morphine in treating chronic pain in cats.
Conclusion how to tell if your cat is in pain
In conclusion, there are many signs that your cat may be in pain. The sooner you can get your cat to the vet, the better. If you notice any of these symptoms as we stated above, chances are they’re in pain and need help.