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Introduction: What is cat vomit and what does it do?
Why do cat Vomit and types of cat vomit? When a cat vomits, it throws up its food. It does this because it may have eaten something bad, the food is spoiled, or the cat has an infection.
In this article, we will learn about 6 types of cat vomit that can happen to your cat which is:
- Foamy, white, or clear vomit
- Yellow vomit
- Dark coffee vomit
- Smelly brown vomit
- Food in vomit
- Vomit with blood
When a cat throws up, it sends stomach acids into your mouth that can harm the mouth and throat area. Cat vomit also is a good way to remove parasites in the cat’s digestive system. The cat may also be trying to tell you something medically important.

In their natural state, cats have a digestive tract that is relatively short and simple. This means that they will typically only vomit when they have been eating something that their body cannot break down or process. Cats also have a pancreas that helps them digest food, but it is not used in the same way as most other animals. This can cause vomiting to be more common for cats than it is for humans.
We will explain in detail each type of cat vomit in the section below.
Types of cat vomit in detail
1. Foamy, white, or clear vomit
Many cats may throw up foamy, white, or clear vomit because of esophagus regurgitation, or maybe because their stomach was empty.
Esophagus regurgitation is when food in the esophagus (the tube that connects the cat’s mouth and stomach) is forced back into his stomach and out of his mouth.
White vomit may also be seen after a cat vomits, because the vomitus is not colored by bile, and it has not been colored by food. This type of vomit is not harmful to cats.
2. Yellow vomit
Cats that throw up yellow vomit may do so because they ate something that was colored yellow.
Cats can also throw up yellow vomit if they have liver disease, which may require treatment. If this is the case, then the cat should be seen by a veterinarian to rule out serious illness.
3. Dark coffee vomit
Cats vomiting up dark coffee color vomit can be a sign that your cat is experiencing some bleeding in their stomach. Ulcers are the most common cause for this type of vomiting and it can happen from things as simple as eating from a dirty litter box, getting a bad case of fleas, or even eating highly acidic foods. Luckily, cats’ digestive system is very sensitive to stomach acid so they can usually recover from this without too much damage done.
4. Smelly brown vomit
Your cat may vomit brown, smelly vomit for a number of reasons. One cause could be that the cat has eaten something colored brown and smelly. Another reason why your cat might throw up is that they are having bleeding in their upper gastrointestinal tract.

5. Food in vomit
Many cats may vomit the food that is undigested. This may occur if they have obstructions, allergies, or food intolerance. Cats with these conditions may vomit up the food they just ate or cannot keep down any of it. Vomiting food may also be a sign that your cat has kidney disease, or maybe they have a tumor in their stomach or intestines.
6. Vomit with blood
Types of cat vomit that need to be concerned a lot are vomiting blood. If you notice that your cat is vomiting, but the vomit isn’t a normal yellow color and instead has blood in it – it can be a sign of a number of different things. Some common causes for a cat to vomit blood are injuries or sicknesses.
There are a number of reasons your cat may vomit with blood, including liver disease, obstruction of the intestines, pancreatitis, cancer, and ulcers. The most likely cause for this condition is parasites that have made their way into the intestines and then produce a toxin that induces vomiting.
If this is the case, immediately take your cat to the nearest veterinarian because they will help you determine what is going on and then treat your cat accordingly.
Why does my cat vomit – The cause & reason
Care delicate creatures, so it’s important to recognize the signs of an illness before it becomes a chronic problem. One sign is vomiting.
When your cat vomits, this can be a symptom of many different things.
1. Hairballs
A potential cause for vomiting in cats is hairballs. They hold fur that your cat swallows when grooming themselves or eating cat food. These become larger and larger until they are no longer able to be expelled from the body through the rectum. They can get stuck in the intestines and cause vomiting.
2. Obstruction
Many cats seem to have an irresistible urge to take in small objects into their stomachs. This may be due to the kitten’s natural instinct to store food when it is scarce. But when this behavior is carried over into adulthood, it can become a dangerous habit leading to illness and even death. To avoid this, make sure your cat has plenty of toys that are safe for them to chew on or play with.
3. Eating Quickly or Too Much
Eating quickly or too much can cause your cat to vomit. The food may move too fast through the digestive tract, which causes the stomach to produce acid that could be vomited up. In addition, cats may eat small amounts of food at a time, which means that the stomach only takes in a small amount of food at a time. After a while, the stomach could also become full and vomit up what it does not need.
4. Food Allergies
Cats are capable of suffering from food allergies just like humans. They can also suffer from gastrointestinal diseases that are related to their diet.
After some time, this can cause them to lose their appetite. Cats with food allergies will often vomit up their food after eating, which is a way for the body to expel the allergens.
Other symptoms include excessive scratching on themselves or biting on themselves, vomiting watery fluids, and diarrhea.
5. Toxic in Food
Whether your cat is foraging for food, tasting something you dropped on the floor, or just nibbling at its water bowl, it may have accidentally ingested a toxic substance and caused it to vomit.
6. Ilness or disease
Some health conditions can cause your cat to vomit. Your veterinarian can help identify these conditions. Health conditions related to vomiting include:
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Hepatitis
- Gastritis
- Worms
- Tumors
- Diarrhea
- Some cats may vomit due to a gastrointestinal problem.
Vomiting in cats when to worry

Typically vomiting in cats is not a cause for concern and we need to know all the types of cat vomit as stated in the early section of this article.
If the cat begins to vomit more than once or displays any other concerning symptoms, then it is best to have them checked out by the vet.
Cat there are having continuous or severe vomiting can be considered as a sign that your cat is having health problems and requires immediate treatment.
Vomiting can be caused by many different factors, so it’s important to have your veterinarian diagnose the cause of any vomiting in order to recommend the appropriate treatment.
Some of the sign when a cat vomiting that you should worry about is:
- Continuous vomiting
- Showing pain
- Looking weak
- Having a fever
- Vomit containing blood
What can I do to stop my cat from vomiting?
It is important to be able to identify the cause before deciding what course of treatment to take. There are two basic steps you should take when your cat starts vomiting:
- Stop giving food for 12 hours.
- Provide water every 30 minutes.
- Provide them with a small amount of bland food after 12 hours if they are getting better.
- If they show no improvement, immediately bring them to the vet for a checkup.
My cat keeps throwing up but seems fine
Many cats will throw up food because of different reasons. If your cat is vomiting but seems fine, everything is actually fine. Maybe they just had a hairball or ate their food too much or too fast!
Cats can be picky eaters and sometimes their stomachs just aren’t ready for another meal. Give them some time before you give any food.
How to prevent vomiting in cats

There are a few ways that can help prevent cats from vomiting.
1. Proper and healthy diets
As a pet owner, you have a responsibility to provide your cat with a healthy and balanced diet. Cats are fun pets that provide plenty of entertainment for their owners, but they can also be quite demanding when it comes to food.
Cats require a very precise diet plan in order to maintain their health and prevent vomiting. A healthy diet should include high-quality wet cat food or dry cat food that is enriched with vitamins and minerals. Cats should also get plenty of water, which should be made available at all times.
You also need to provide your cat with a diet consisting of foods that are more easily digestible. This may be helpful if your cat has a sensitive stomach or a food allergy.
2. Prevent cat hairball
A common cause of vomiting in cats is hairballs. Cats groom themselves all the time, but their fur sheds and forms clumps. These clumps can become lodged in the cat’s digestive tract causing them to vomit.
Groom your cat regularly to prevent hairballs and vomiting by giving them a thorough brush with a specially-designed comb or brush designed for pets. This will loosen hairballs before they can form and get lodged in the cat’s digestive system.
3. Slow feeder bowl
A new trend that has rapidly become popular among cat owners is the use of slow feeder bowls to prevent cats from vomiting. Slow feeders work as a barrier between food and water so as not to allow food to reach the center, which gives cats the time they need to process their meal. Cats are infamous for having an extremely fast eating rate and can oftentimes feel full before they have consumed sufficient nutrients, which is why slow feeding bowls are necessary.
4. Safe food
One of the most common causes for cats to vomit is if they are consuming toxic food or plants. Homeowners can help prevent their kitty from vomiting by removing any potential toxic foods and plants from their homes.
Potential toxic foods and plants include citrus, onions, alcohol, bamboo shoots, coffee grounds, and chocolate. We recommend removing all food and plants from your cat’s reach including houseplants and trees outside in the yard.
Always keep an eye on your cat’s food and water bowls. If your kitty is going through a rough time, you should not leave them alone for long periods of time. This will reduce the risk of your cat becoming dehydrated or consuming toxic substances.
Conclusion on types of cat vomit
In conclusion, there are many reasons why cats vomit. If you know what type of vomit your cat has, you will be able to ascertain the seriousness of the situation.
Knowing the type of vomit can help you determine what steps to take in order to save your cat. For example, if your cat vomited blood, it may have ingested some sort of toxin or poison that needs an immediate vet visit. Knowing this information will allow you to act quickly and save your pet’s life.